Tag Archives: Mile End Lib Dems

North Station bus lane cameras

The bus lane in North Station Road past the Norfolk Pub has now been fitted with enforcement cameras. From North to South is for buses only whilst from South to North is for buses only and for ACCESS ONLY for residents living in that part of North Station Road.

The road has been abused for a long time particularly South to North and ECC have installed cameras to stop this abuse.

Essex County Council are the authority responsible for the implementation of these cameras.

David King, Martin Goss, Phil Coleman, Dominic Graham & Anne Turrell

Mile End Lib Dem Team

Thank you from Anne Turrell

Following the Essex County Council elections on May 4th Anne Turrell was successfully re-elected as Cllr for Mile End and Highwoods.

Anne was re-elected with 2104 votes and was 555 votes ahead of the Conservatives. She increased her vote share for the Lib Dems.

Anne said “I am deeply humbled to have been successfully re-elected by the residents of Mile End and Highwoods once again. I promise to continue working hard for our area and ensuring congestion, pot holes, road resurfacing and places for our children to go to school are at the forefront of the work I carry out in my next term.”


Boxted road lights

We have been chasing Essex County Council concerning the new lights along Boxted Road which were installed in the Summer of 2016.

Cllr Anne Turrell has escalated the issue and we have now been told by Essex County Council that the lights should be operational around March 6th after UK Power Networks have made some final electrical connections. We will await to see if this target date is achieved.

 We have also been chasing for a new date regarding the works for the new pedestrian crossing at the end of Boxted Road with the Northern Approach Road junction. This crossing is being funded as part of the development works for Severalls Phase 2. We will update you once the new date is agreed.

 We have also had a replacement litter bin installed at the entrance to Boxted Road as a contractor removed it and lost it. We are currently pursuing costs from the contractors.

 You should also have seen a general improvement regarding the cleanliness of Boxted Road.

 Anne Turrell, Martin Goss, Dominic Graham &Phil Coleman

Choose your favourite Mile End project

Vote for your favourite Mile End project

We have £5000 to spend on local projects in Mile End and would like you to vote for which one is your favourite. We will split the funding across the top 3 projects and voting will close on Xmas Eve at Midday.

In order to vote please click on the link below:


Fords Lane playground refurbishment consultation

Fords Lane Playground Consultation

Colchester residents are being encouraged to take part in a consultation to help choose the design for a new playground facility to be installed off Fords Lane in Mile End.

We are carrying out the refurbishment of the children’s playground and want local residents to choose the final design.

The existing playground will be replaced with new challenging play equipment which provides an exciting play experience for the local community along with new safety surface and seating.

We are now asking local residents to vote for which design they like best from a shortlist of four different companies.

Please visit www.colchester.gov.uk/fordslane to vote.

The project is funded by Section 106 money (contributions requested from major developers towards community facilities).  The consultation will close on Monday 19 September 2016.

The results will be announced during October 2016

Mile End Highway updates

Turner Road sinking
As you may have seen Turner Road is sinking in places and each time road repairs are undertaken by Essex County Council (ECC) they simply fail. Following our complaints ECC have now agreed to undertake an investigation to find the cause of the issues and implement a long term solution. We will update you once we have further details.
Bakers Lane & Bergholt Road
Essex County Council have confirmed that Bakers Lane will undergo some partial resurfacing this financial year (2016/17) and we are awaiting to see if Bergholt Road has made it to the list.
Mile End Road cycle lane
You may have noticed work starting on the £750,000 Mile End Road cycle lane  by Essex County Council. To be clear, we have objected to this project when we first found out about it and have supported a formal complaint made by the Colchester Cycling campaigners as they don’t support the project either.
We have asked ECC to replace all trees which have been removed and also suggested places where further trees should be put in along Mile End Road. The pinch point at the bottom of Mile End Road is also not yet resolved and we are pushing for ECC to share the designs for this area.
Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Anne Turrell

Mile End Community Funding – How you voted on the £4000

Mile End Community Funding

Over 400 people voted on how they wanted us to spend the £4000 community funding in Mile end. The money was split on 3 projects based on how you voted.

1. £2000 will be spent on new tree planting in Mile End.
2. £1500 will be spent on new playground equipment which will be used on the Mile End Playing fields area off Fords Lane.
3. £500 was awarded for new sports equipment for Queen Boudica School and Braiswick Academy School. Each school received £250.

Myland School didn’t manage to reply by the deadline, so we have offered them a contribution from our own pockets if they can come up with what Sports equipment they wish to purchase.

Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Anne Turrell

Northern Gateway update

Thank you to those residents who managed to attend the Northern Gateway drop in sessions last week. The feedback from residents has been very positive and there is a buzz about this future destination for Colchester.

Once the initial detailed planning application is  submitted before March 20th  it will include 11 restaurants, a state of the art Cineworld, 80 bedroom hotel, 750 car parking spaces, 3 large leisure units (with suggested uses for rock climbing and wind tunnel experience amongst others) impressive landscaping and engaging play facilities for children being amongst some of the facilities.

For those who couldn’t attend we have included a link to the details shown at the drop in sessions. The link is below.


Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Anne Turrell