Tag Archives: Mile End Lib Dems

Our litter heroes

During lockdown and more recently there has been issues over the increase in litter being dropped around the ward. Dropping litter is an offence and can incur a Fixed Penalty Notice of £100. We have requested fines are increased to £150.

Our thanks to our Neighbourhoods team and all those residents who have undertaken litter picks or picked up litter on their walks.

Also thanks to our existing and new Litter Warriors who have volunteered to do regular litter picks. If you or your family would like to become Litter Warriors please let one of us know and we will provide you with the equipment.

Traveller incursions

Following two further traveller incursions in Mile End,
Cllr Coleman requested all potential sites be made secure
and asked the portfolio holder to look at additional measures.

This could include a borough wide ban as in Harlow or a transit site to
stop other sites being used with subsequent issues.

As trespass is not a criminal offence but a civil one the council or land
owner must apply to the court for an eviction notice. This normally
takes around 10 days.

Police can use their powers to evict if criminal behaviour is reported,
such as last summer on the rugby club site.

We will continue to push for a long term strategy to stop such

Chesterwell planning application amendment affecting Mile End Road

We want to ensure you are aware of a modification request for the planning conditions set on the original Mersea Homes planning application for the Chesterwell development.

Bartholomew Court which is currently a dead end was always designed to be a bus access only route for the Chesterwell development which would access onto Mile End Road. Mersea Homes have submitted a change to this so the route can also be used by traffic from up to 160 houses on the southern end of the Chesterwell development.

The bus route would still use this access point and it also means access to the 160 houses would also be from this access point too.

We have said to Mersea Homes they must install electronic rising bollards for the bus access point so that it cannot be accessed by the majority of the Chesterwell development traffic should this change be approved.

It would be advisable to add your comments to this requested change and ensure your views are submitted. Please visit www.colchester.gov.uk/planning and search for application number 183077.

If we can be of any further help please do not hesitate to contact any member of the team or call 07912 396335.

Hospital parking

The hospital has our and community support.  But David King and colleagues’ have made clear they need to be better neighbours, to take account of Mile End needs as they modernise the hospital, manage traffic flows and reduce the pressure on local roads.  Improvements are coming.

A new travel centre will help everyone. But we know fewer staff parking permits are a problem and can affect residents, as staff unable to park will look for spaces on local roads. We welcome steps taken to reduce that pressure, such as free use of the park and ride for three months and subsidies for car sharing and public transport use.

We will continue to monitor and press for further improvements through our liaison meetings. SHARE YOUR CONCERNS with us and we will continue to make sure your voice is heard.

New bench for Bergholt Road recreation ground

Funded as part of the Cllr Locality budget a new bench will shortly be installed at the Bergholt Road recreation ground.

This request came from local residents who wanted to see more seating in the area so this bench has been funded and ordered.

It’s the little things that make a huge difference so we are very happy to support this request. We are so pleased to support the community.

Phil Coleman, Martin Goss, David King & Anne Turrell

Mile End Team

Delivering for all in Mile End

Your Mile End Councillors know they are here to serve. They value their strong roots in the community and the support and loyalty residents choose to show at election time. This is not taken for granted. Working hard matters. Getting results even more. Recent campaigns include parking and yellow lines surveys and action. Recent successes include securing Crest Nicholson action on long standing problems with doors and windows in Rosewood and action against HGV access through Three Crowns Road, action on residential issues in Chesterwell and getting the best out of finishing works for Northfields. In the weeks ahead there will be more local issues and interests to serve. Action on buses. Improved visibility and presence for the police. Wider work on the Council towards great facilities for all at the Northern Gateway. More to come and the same promise – here to serve.

Thank you from Cllr David King

David wants to thank those who voted for him in the recent May elections.

The Mile End seat remains Liberal Democrat so you are represented by Phil Coleman, Martin Goss, David King on Colchester Borough and Anne Turrell is your Essex County Councillor.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with any member of the team.

Electing a new Councillor on May 3rd 2018

On May 3rd you have the chance to elect a new Councillor for Mile End as Dominic Graham is retiring after representing Mile End for the last 4 years.

David King has been working as part of our team for the last year and has been a great asset rolling his sleeves up and getting heavily involved in the Mile End workload.

During the last year he has personally responded to the hundreds of Mile End resident surveys we have received after we have knocked on every door and ensured everyone in Mile End has had a chance to have your say.

  • He has also spoken to many resident’s face to face on the door and followed up the many issues highlighted in your responses, from potholes, parking issues and facilities to holding developers to account.
  • He has cleared snow from the pathways of many local residents, has picked the litter and worked at the environmental concerns of residents.
  • He supports the rest of the team in our work to improve Mile End. This will soon include new outdoor play equipment for the Mile End playing fields.

David lives in Mile End with his family and has a long history of being active in the local community not only as a Community Councillor but as Chair of Governors for various schools in the area. David is, like us, totally against pointless tit for tat with other political parties and for a positive approach to the issues.  He is part of a collective team only interested in putting Mile End first.  Our regular newsletters delivered all year round will always be full of Mile End information and updates. We hope that you find them useful.

We hope that you will support David to become your newest Councillor and further strengthen our already community focussed team with his great breadth of experience. If there are any issues that we can help with, please do not hesitate to get in touch with any member of the team.

Kind regards
Councillors Phil Coleman, Martin Goss and Anne Turrell

Mile End Locality budgets

Each Councillor gets £2,000 to spend in their area.

We have invested in the following:

  • New trees for Mile End to be planted in our open spaces
  • Sports equipment for local Primary schools
  • Bulb planting in two locations in Mile End
  • Sports equipment for children’s holiday camps at First Site
  • A bench on Mill Road by the gym equipment
  • Contribution to the “Community First Responders”
  • Contribution to homeless charities Beacon House and Colchester Night Shelter
  • Sports kit for a football club

David King said “This is a great investment in many worthwhile causes either in our local community or in organisations that help support Mile End residents.”


Traveller incursions in Mile End

Following another summer and more incursions on to both council land and private land requests have been made by your Mile End councillors to make secure the sites known to be visited by travellers. A borough-wide Public Space Protection Order to stop Travellers setting down in the borough has not been allowed by the authorities.

We will continue for better security across all Mile End sites where incursions occur.

David King, Phil Coleman, Dominic Graham, Martin Goss & Anne Turrell

Mile End Lib Dems