Category Archives: Highways

Braiswick Lane parking

We wrote to all residents in the area about removing one parking space on Nayland Road where visibility is poor coming out of Braiswick Lane.

We delivered the letter in August 2020 but little response was forthcoming from the public at the time as we need around 80% of residents in the area to be in favour.

If you would like to comment please email with your views.

All change at North Station

You will no doubt have seen the measures put in place by Essex County Council funded by Government to give cycling and walking more prominence at North Station, Essex Hall Road, North Station Road and the town centre.

As traffic levels returned to normal these did start to cause congestion issues. Essex County Council listened to our collective local feedback and removed some measures on North Station Road and Essex Hall Roundabout. The bus lane and one traffic lane at North Station heading South was left in place.

This caused major congestion and meant traffic took up to an hour to leave Asda. Following complaints Martin Goss and David King met with a Senior Highway officer onsite as well as a member of the Colchester Cycling group. Between us a solution was agreed, the closed traffic lane was fully reinstated, and improvements made to the cycle lane. Traffic congestion issues were greatly reduced as a result of our collective intervention.

Mill Road traffic calming

We are still chasing Essex County Council to see what other suggestions they have for traffic calming on Mill Road. Currently a temporary one year 20 MPH speed limit is being considered for the stretch of road from Brinkley Grove Roundabout all the way to the Northern Approach Road junction. We will keep you updated on progress.

Speeding issues

ACTION has been taken in response to YOUR
complaints over speeding, including in Northern
Approach Road, Axial Way, Bergholt Road and
Apprentice Drive. The police have limited
resources and must prioritise where they are

It helps us all if you continue to report concerns
on 101 and let us know of issues as they arise.
But the GOOD NEWS – the Community Policing
team have responded to us, have visited and
have taken enforcement action. We will ask for
more if needed!

Chesterwell planning application amendment affecting Mile End Road

We want to ensure you are aware of a modification request for the planning conditions set on the original Mersea Homes planning application for the Chesterwell development.

Bartholomew Court which is currently a dead end was always designed to be a bus access only route for the Chesterwell development which would access onto Mile End Road. Mersea Homes have submitted a change to this so the route can also be used by traffic from up to 160 houses on the southern end of the Chesterwell development.

The bus route would still use this access point and it also means access to the 160 houses would also be from this access point too.

We have said to Mersea Homes they must install electronic rising bollards for the bus access point so that it cannot be accessed by the majority of the Chesterwell development traffic should this change be approved.

It would be advisable to add your comments to this requested change and ensure your views are submitted. Please visit and search for application number 183077.

If we can be of any further help please do not hesitate to contact any member of the team or call 07912 396335.

Highways updates for Mile End

All of the pot holes on Turner Road, Mill Road and Northern Approach Road have been reported to Essex County Council for repair.

Bergholt Road is finally set to be resurfaced by Essex County Council in the 2018/19 financial year.

Most of Bakers Lane & all of Spring Lane has now been resurfaced.

UK Power Networks have been chased about the lack of functional lighting on the zebra crossing at the entrance to Bergholt Road.

Mill Road traffic calming design is being costed by Essex County Council & we hope they will shortly publish their proposed design.

Turner Road is set for major resurfacing & stabilization works due to the identified subsidence found by a leaky water main.

Bus lane cameras are also now working on Nayland Road and North Station Road bus lanes so fines will be issued.

David King, Phil Coleman, Martin Goss, Dominic Graham and Anne Turrell

Mile End Team

Nayland Road bus gate camera

Essex County Council are adding a bus gate camera that will definitely be in operation so fines can be levied on anyone who drives through the gate either way. It will go into operation in November 2017.

It is worth being aware of this as Essex County Council will pursue anyone who uses this entrance.

A bus lane camera was recently added to the lane outside the Norfolk Pub in North Station Road and fines have since been issues.

We don’t want to see anyone receive a fine.

David King, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman, Martin Goss & Anne Turrell

North Station bus lane cameras

The bus lane in North Station Road past the Norfolk Pub has now been fitted with enforcement cameras. From North to South is for buses only whilst from South to North is for buses only and for ACCESS ONLY for residents living in that part of North Station Road.

The road has been abused for a long time particularly South to North and ECC have installed cameras to stop this abuse.

Essex County Council are the authority responsible for the implementation of these cameras.

David King, Martin Goss, Phil Coleman, Dominic Graham & Anne Turrell

Mile End Lib Dem Team

Mill Road resurfacing 28th August 2017

Mill Road outside Myland School is being resurfaced from Monday 28th August 2017.

Anne Turrell, County Councillor for Mile End and Highwoods said “I am really pleased that this stretch of road from the Dog and Pheasant Pub to the Northern Approach Road junction is being resurfaced.  The state of the road is appalling and thankfully this has been done just in time for the new school term at Myland School. I have been on at Essex County Council about the appalling state of this road for a long period of time.”


MIle End roads update!

Mill Road from the Northern Approach Road junction to Myland School end is being resurfaced in August.

Turner Road will be getting partial resurfacing later this year to deal with the continually sinking road.

Spring Lane and part of Bakers Lane is going to be resurfaced later this year.

We are still pushing for resurfacing to occur on Bergholt Road, Three Crowns Road and Kingswood Road (off Turner Road).