Tag Archives: Myland School

Bin replaced at Mill Road youth shelter

Following some anti-social behaviour issues at the Mill Road youth shelter where both bins were vandalised, following local intervention of the Mile End Team and local police, a new sturdy bin has been fitted.

The area is being monitored closely by the police and the Mile End team.

Phil Coleman said “We have been proactive in working with local youths and residents to try and find solutions to the recent issues encountered at the Mill Road youth shelter and basketball court. We will continue to try and ensure the area remains well used but recent issues must stop so everyone lives in the community in peace.”

Our litter heroes

During lockdown and more recently there has been issues over the increase in litter being dropped around the ward. Dropping litter is an offence and can incur a Fixed Penalty Notice of £100. We have requested fines are increased to £150.

Our thanks to our Neighbourhoods team and all those residents who have undertaken litter picks or picked up litter on their walks.

Also thanks to our existing and new Litter Warriors who have volunteered to do regular litter picks. If you or your family would like to become Litter Warriors please let one of us know and we will provide you with the equipment.

Chesterwell planning application amendment affecting Mile End Road

We want to ensure you are aware of a modification request for the planning conditions set on the original Mersea Homes planning application for the Chesterwell development.

Bartholomew Court which is currently a dead end was always designed to be a bus access only route for the Chesterwell development which would access onto Mile End Road. Mersea Homes have submitted a change to this so the route can also be used by traffic from up to 160 houses on the southern end of the Chesterwell development.

The bus route would still use this access point and it also means access to the 160 houses would also be from this access point too.

We have said to Mersea Homes they must install electronic rising bollards for the bus access point so that it cannot be accessed by the majority of the Chesterwell development traffic should this change be approved.

It would be advisable to add your comments to this requested change and ensure your views are submitted. Please visit www.colchester.gov.uk/planning and search for application number 183077.

If we can be of any further help please do not hesitate to contact any member of the team or call 07912 396335.

Mill Road resurfacing 28th August 2017

Mill Road outside Myland School is being resurfaced from Monday 28th August 2017.

Anne Turrell, County Councillor for Mile End and Highwoods said “I am really pleased that this stretch of road from the Dog and Pheasant Pub to the Northern Approach Road junction is being resurfaced.  The state of the road is appalling and thankfully this has been done just in time for the new school term at Myland School. I have been on at Essex County Council about the appalling state of this road for a long period of time.”


MIle End roads update!

Mill Road from the Northern Approach Road junction to Myland School end is being resurfaced in August.

Turner Road will be getting partial resurfacing later this year to deal with the continually sinking road.

Spring Lane and part of Bakers Lane is going to be resurfaced later this year.

We are still pushing for resurfacing to occur on Bergholt Road, Three Crowns Road and Kingswood Road (off Turner Road).

Mile End projects

Thank you to the 325 people who voted online for their favourite 2017 project from our local Mile End funding pot.

The top 3 projects we have awarded funding to based on your votes are:

£2,500 to the homeless shelter which does help some Mile End people

£1,500 for tree planting in Mile End

£1,000 to all four Mile End Primary schools for the purchasing of sports equipment

Dominic has also awarded £1,000 towards funding for more cycle racks in Mile End

We are very pleased to have supported these excellent community projects which were all suggested by local residents.

Anne Turrell, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Martin Goss

Mile End Community Funding – How you voted on the £4000

Mile End Community Funding

Over 400 people voted on how they wanted us to spend the £4000 community funding in Mile end. The money was split on 3 projects based on how you voted.

1. £2000 will be spent on new tree planting in Mile End.
2. £1500 will be spent on new playground equipment which will be used on the Mile End Playing fields area off Fords Lane.
3. £500 was awarded for new sports equipment for Queen Boudica School and Braiswick Academy School. Each school received £250.

Myland School didn’t manage to reply by the deadline, so we have offered them a contribution from our own pockets if they can come up with what Sports equipment they wish to purchase.

Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Anne Turrell