Tag Archives: Braiswick Academy

Cleaning up graffiti and litter in Mile End

Martin Goss carries a graffiti cleaning kit in his car so when local graffiti is easy
enough to remove with graffiti wipes he will jump into action to clean up our area quickly.

Martin said “It is proven if we remove graffiti within hours of it being sprayed it can be demotivating to the “tagger.” If it gets left it is considered a badge of honour and gives the “artist” something to brag about.

If you see it, please report via www.colchester.gov.uk/recycling or contact any
member of the team.”

Mile End projects

Thank you to the 325 people who voted online for their favourite 2017 project from our local Mile End funding pot.

The top 3 projects we have awarded funding to based on your votes are:

£2,500 to the homeless shelter which does help some Mile End people

£1,500 for tree planting in Mile End

£1,000 to all four Mile End Primary schools for the purchasing of sports equipment

Dominic has also awarded £1,000 towards funding for more cycle racks in Mile End

We are very pleased to have supported these excellent community projects which were all suggested by local residents.

Anne Turrell, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Martin Goss

Mile End Community Funding – How you voted on the £4000

Mile End Community Funding

Over 400 people voted on how they wanted us to spend the £4000 community funding in Mile end. The money was split on 3 projects based on how you voted.

1. £2000 will be spent on new tree planting in Mile End.
2. £1500 will be spent on new playground equipment which will be used on the Mile End Playing fields area off Fords Lane.
3. £500 was awarded for new sports equipment for Queen Boudica School and Braiswick Academy School. Each school received £250.

Myland School didn’t manage to reply by the deadline, so we have offered them a contribution from our own pockets if they can come up with what Sports equipment they wish to purchase.

Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Anne Turrell

Bus timetable for new 77 service to Braiswick Park

Since December 21st a new 77 route has been funded by Essex County Council which is run by Panther Travel.

This route calls on the New Braiswick Park development and Bergholt Road area around 5 times a day. The drop off and pick-up times very much coincide with the Braiswick Academy start and end of school times.

To view the timetable please click on the PDF.

Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman and Anne Turrell
