Category Archives: Uncategorised

A big Mile End thank you from Martin Goss

Thank you is simply not enough to all those who voted or helped me in the
recent Mile End City Council elections. The results were as follows:

Martin Goss 1889
Labour 445
Tory 307
Green 128

Majority 1444

Martin Goss said “Humbled is an understatement. Representing fairly
thousands of residents is a real honour and you can rest assured I will continue
along with Venessa Moffatt and David King to do the best for Mile End and more widely Colchester.”

Reporting crime

Mile End and more widely Colchester is an extremely safe place but as with any community or City we always do need to be vigilant and report anything which we think is out of the ordinary.

Too many times crimes or suspicious activities remain unreported and instead people put them on Facebook or social media. This might be good to alert local neighbours but it does nothing to actually report the crime.

An example in Colchester being when over 28 sheds were broken into one evening and although it made it to social media, the Police only had one reported incident so didn’t treat it as a serious break in!

Please do report all non-emergency crimes on 101 or in an emergency 999. You can also report crimes online at the Essex Police website.

The more crime is reported, the better it is to reflect true statistics and ensure police effort is concentrated in those areas that need it! If you don’t report a crime, this could be the difference between the data showing an issue or not!

Crumbling roads

The County Council has not spent enough money in recent years and admit that our highways are ‘in managed decline’.

David has resisted this. Raising issues in public, in meetings of the County Council. Lobbying for work. Escalating issues and raising a budget amendment to seek extra money for spending on roads and paths.

The good news – his campaign has helped. With extra government and County Council cash for catch-up work. The County Council has an extra £17.4m, but across all of Essex, however we should see some real improvements by end of this summer.

David will keep pressing for better.

Anti Social Behaviour update

We have seen an increase in ASB in recent months with a number of issues in the Bradford Drive playground, shelters over at Kingswood Heath and Mile End
playing fields.

If you witness any issues or have concerns please do report it to the police immediately on 101 or 999 in an emergency. You can also report non-emergency crime on the Essex Police website.

Claire Beverly our local PCSO has been doing various patrols in the
area so if you wish to join “stroll and patrol” which is carried out
regularly please do let us know.

A big thank you from Ness!

Thank you so much to the 1,624 Mile End residents who voted for Venessa so that she can continue her hard work on behalf of everyone living here. Venessa told us after her incredible win:

“It is an honour to be elected in Mile End this year, and thanks so much to all the residents who have put their faith in me. Thanks to Phil Coleman, David King and Martin Goss, of course, for all their continuing hard work. I am already hearing a lot from residents about various concerns and will work hard to support all residents of Mile End.”

Keeping safe during fireworks season

Fireworks are an important time of year which is marked on many family calendars. It is always recommended to go to properly organised displays such as that held at Castle Park by King Cole Kittens or those organised at local schools such as the excellent display at Heathlands in West Bergholt.

It is not recommended or permitted to have random fire work displays in public open spaces, playgrounds or parks. Should an accident happen the person letting off fire works in a public place is liable and therefore not insured. The council certainly won’t be picking up the tab for someone’s carelessness. Nine times out of ten people leave all the fire work litter behind as well!

Please do not let off fire works in any of our parks or open spaces.

Top 10 tips to save energy this Winter

Mile End resident and Lib Dem team member Venessa Moffat has come up with the following energy saving tips, especially in the current looming energy crisis we all face!

1. Heating and water
Turn the water temperature down a bit, or turn the heating down by 1deg – over time this will save you more than you realise. The timings of the heating and water over each day can equally impact the size of the bills you receive. People are also heat-creating machines – we turn food into heat. If you’re cold sitting down, then consider moving around and go up and down the stairs a couple of times. There’s the added benefit of getting a bit of exercise!

2. Windows, curtains and blinds
Just as double glazing works to keep heat in and cold out, your blinds and curtains can also help. Even if you have double or triple glazing in your home and they are draught-proofed you can still lose heat through your windows. If the sun is warm in the day time, you can benefit from the heat by keeping curtains open, and then at night time close them to keep the heat in.

3. Call the supplier and check you’re on the right tariff
If you live on your own, or are on a low income, you may be on the wrong tariff. Call your provider, and ask them if there is a better one. Alternatively, check with and see if there is a cheaper provider.

4. Does your supplier offer smart meters?
These meters can be installed by some providers for free, and will allow you to see how much energy you’re using. You’ll no longer need to take manual readings for your gas and electricity. With a smart meter, all that data is sent to your supplier automatically. All of this helps with budgeting and forward-planning.

5. Obvious one – turn off things when they are not being used, including standby
There are several studies that show a significant saving by turning off all standby devices. This could be your TV, or Alexa / Echo, or your toothbrush charger – turn them all off when they are not being used, and you’ll save even more.

6. Reduce the use of hot things
Anything that creates heat is using more energy than other devices like the hairdryer, the kettle, the tumble-dryer etc. The less you use these devices, the more you will save. Simples.

7. Think more circular – what can be re-used?
As an example, instead of boiling a kettle for gravy, consider using the hot water from the vegetables – it adds more flavour too! If you have a wood burner, look for people in your local community who are trying to offload wood from projects. Facebook marketplace can be good for this. These are just a couple of examples!

8. Consider using the microwave more
Microwaves heat things up much faster than the oven, so there may be some foods which can be microwaved, rather than oven baked. One way of leveraging this may be to batch cook meals such as spaghetti bolognaise (with friends maybe) and then the resulting extras can be stored and ‘pinged’ in the microwave in minutes.

9. Efficient LED bulbs
The old energy-efficient light bulbs were slow to warm up and still broke after a while, whereas now, there are some very good energy-efficient LED bulbs on the market. They do cost a little more than normal bulbs, but they more than make up for it in decent light output and longevity. It goes without saying to turn lights off when the room isn’t in use….

10. Invest in smart tech products
Last on the list are smart tech products, such as Zado or Hive, which can help you manage your heating and hot water more efficiently. These are last on the list because there is a bit of an outlay to purchase them and then have them installed. However, with the energy prices soaring, you could see ROI in months this Winter. Now might be a good time to invest. Don’t forget to employ a local tradesperson to help your local community!

Issues in Mile End

With the school holidays now here, there are low level issues going on in Mile End keeping the team busy.

These include dealing with low level anti-social behaviour where residents face disturbances from children causing issues in our neighbourhood. This can be noise, leaving litter around, swearing or slightly more serious matters.

All issues must be reported to the police at the time of the incident and this can be done via 101, in an emergency 999 or via the Essex Police website.

If you have an issue you’d like to discuss please do get in touch with the team.

Bin replaced at Mill Road youth shelter

Following some anti-social behaviour issues at the Mill Road youth shelter where both bins were vandalised, following local intervention of the Mile End Team and local police, a new sturdy bin has been fitted.

The area is being monitored closely by the police and the Mile End team.

Phil Coleman said “We have been proactive in working with local youths and residents to try and find solutions to the recent issues encountered at the Mill Road youth shelter and basketball court. We will continue to try and ensure the area remains well used but recent issues must stop so everyone lives in the community in peace.”

A big thank you from Cllr David King

“A BIG THANK YOU!” said David King following his successful re-election on May 5th 2022. The Tory vote collapsed even further to a record low!

The results were:

David King (Lib Dem) 1,885 (66.3%) – up 1% on 2021
Tory 447 (15.7%) – down 3.2% on 2021
Labour 350 (12.3%) – up 1.5% on 2021
Green 163 (5.7%) – up 1.1% on 2021

David said “I am honoured to be re-elected again for a second term of four years to serve the great area of Mile End – where I live and work for all the community. It’s very humbling to achieve such a result!”