Tag Archives: North Colchester

Thank you from Anne Turrell

Following the Essex County Council elections on May 4th Anne Turrell was successfully re-elected as Cllr for Mile End and Highwoods.

Anne was re-elected with 2104 votes and was 555 votes ahead of the Conservatives. She increased her vote share for the Lib Dems.

Anne said “I am deeply humbled to have been successfully re-elected by the residents of Mile End and Highwoods once again. I promise to continue working hard for our area and ensuring congestion, pot holes, road resurfacing and places for our children to go to school are at the forefront of the work I carry out in my next term.”


Mill Road traffic calming update

A recent meeting was held by Anne Turrell with Essex County Highways to get an update on the traffic calming along Mill Road. Essex County Council responded after the meeting with a written update which is below.

We will keep residents informed as this project progresses.

A study was commissioned for the feasibility of traffic calming measures along Mill Road in Colchester. All traffic calming measures are to be considered from the Severalls Lane junction all the way down to the Nayland Road junction, a length of some 2.3 km

The purpose of this study is to recommend measures to be taken on to the detailed design stage
The measures available have been separated into three categories

·         Vertical road humps; cushions and rumble devices

·         Horizontal narrowing by island, pinch-point or build-out; chicane; gateway; mini-roundabout; give-way point or priority section and

·         Visual vehicle activated devices; road markings; traffic signs or street furniture

The study looks to:
i) record the existing conditions and constraints
ii) give a brief discussion of the options considered and
iii) provide indicative cost estimates for each viable option

A draft report has been received and will be reviewed this week and a further update and detail will be provided to you.

Mile End projects

Thank you to the 325 people who voted online for their favourite 2017 project from our local Mile End funding pot.

The top 3 projects we have awarded funding to based on your votes are:

£2,500 to the homeless shelter which does help some Mile End people

£1,500 for tree planting in Mile End

£1,000 to all four Mile End Primary schools for the purchasing of sports equipment

Dominic has also awarded £1,000 towards funding for more cycle racks in Mile End

We are very pleased to have supported these excellent community projects which were all suggested by local residents.

Anne Turrell, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Martin Goss

Bakers Lane housing proposals

Gladman developments have decided to start consulting the public locally on their aspiration to develop 110 homes on two plots of land off Bakers Lane. Although this site is on the Mile End border in Braiswick it would definitely affect Mile End residents. It is definitely worth feeding back to Gladmans on their housing plan apsirations for Bakers Lane. You can feedback here www.your-views.co.uk/braiswick

 If you want an idea of what to write here is what Cllr Martin Goss submitted:

“The land which has been put forward was submitted during the call for sites by Colchester Council under the next version of the Local Plan. The land was not considered suitable for the next Local Plan and therefore the land was not allocated for housing in the Preferred Options. Incidentally I am Chair of the Local Plan so can speak with experience and conviction from being on the Committee since 2008.

As you will be aware proposals should be determined in accordance with the development plan in accordance with the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 along with the National Policy Planning Framework (NPPF). The site is not allocated in the adopted Local Plan which governs the future development of Colchester. Colchester also has an adequate housing supply for the next 5 years.

Colchester is moving away from piecemeal development which has a cumulative effect on existing communities as a result of increased pressure on infrastructure such as roads, rail, NHS facilties, schools and community centres which your development would not be able to mitigate with the level of housing proposed as section 106 funding would be somewhat limited. To claim that your development could bring major improvements to the local community is both myth and fantasy.

Bakers Lane is already unsuitable for the levels of traffic carried on it daily with it not being a main road on the Essex road network. The road cannot be dualled or upgraded due to the railway line and surrounding public footpaths so the impact cannot be negated when traffic increases by several hundred cars from your proposed development.

Bergholt Road which would be the main route for traffic from this development to traverse North Station is also heavily congested and in the latest developments where 1600 homes are being built between Bergholt Road and Mile End Road no futher traffic access was permitted onto Bergholt Road as Essex County Council already consider this to be at capacity. North Station is also a major area of congestion in Colchester and again would be unsuitable for any further traffic generated by your development.

The listed Lexden dyke also appears to have been dishonestly undersold in your brochure as this area comes with major and merited protection which seems to have been glibly brushed aside with very little mention of the importance of this area.

The only benefit you seem to be trying to sell is some landscaping and a play area. This part of Colchester is already adequately served by play areas with the Bergholt Road play area recently being upgraded at a cost of £80k along with the recently built New Braiswick Park area which is featured on your plan. These play areas already have ample capacity and therefore new ones are not a requirement of the existing local community.

The only people your proposals would aid would be residents of the 110 houses you want to build!

In summary your proposals are premature, desingenuous, inappropriate, opportunist and without foundation or need.

North Colchester is set to take a further 3000 homes over the next 10 to 15 years so any arguments you proposed about housing supply cannot be proven or warranted.

You’ve also overlooked the fact that in 2016 Myland & Braiswick residents overwhelming voted in favour of the Neighbourhood Plan which has now been adopted as part of the Development Plan which carries significant weight in planning terms. Your development fails to identify any need or compliance with the document. Earlier this month the Government issued a Written Statement to Parliament which spells this out clearly. It represents an important policy change and reinforces the role that adopted Neighbourhood Plans, as part of the statutory development plan, can play in decision-making ie that where a planning application conflicts with a neighbourhood plan that has been brought into force, planning permission should not normally be granted.

In summary, there is a gamut of local and planning evidence to see off this proposal.”

Choose your favourite Mile End project

Vote for your favourite Mile End project

We have £5000 to spend on local projects in Mile End and would like you to vote for which one is your favourite. We will split the funding across the top 3 projects and voting will close on Xmas Eve at Midday.

In order to vote please click on the link below:


Tufnell Way planning appeal dismissed

The Planning Inspector has dismissed the planning appeal for the development of flats at the entrance to Tufnell Way off Bergholt Road.

The planning inspector agreed with many of the points we had raised about this development and has therefore dismissed the appeal. There are now no further grounds to move forwards on the rejected application and a new scheme would need to be submitted via a brand new planning application.

We are very pleased that the application has been dismissed on appeal.

Anne Turrell, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Martin Goss

Tufnell Way Appeal Decision

Fords Lane playground refurbishment consultation

Fords Lane Playground Consultation

Colchester residents are being encouraged to take part in a consultation to help choose the design for a new playground facility to be installed off Fords Lane in Mile End.

We are carrying out the refurbishment of the children’s playground and want local residents to choose the final design.

The existing playground will be replaced with new challenging play equipment which provides an exciting play experience for the local community along with new safety surface and seating.

We are now asking local residents to vote for which design they like best from a shortlist of four different companies.

Please visit www.colchester.gov.uk/fordslane to vote.

The project is funded by Section 106 money (contributions requested from major developers towards community facilities).  The consultation will close on Monday 19 September 2016.

The results will be announced during October 2016

Turner Road repaired

We are pleased to say that repairs have been made to the worst parts of Turner Road following escalation by County Cllr Anne Turrell.

The road had some serious issues where repairs were falling apart within weeks and sinking into the road. There has been structural scanning undertaken along the road and it appears there have been some subsiding issues which hopefully the new repairs will take care of.

We will watch closely the latest repairs to the road and how well they perform.

Anne Turrell, Phil Coleman, Dominic Graham & Martin Goss

Highways update

Roads update

County Councillor Anne Turrell has escalated the disgraceful state of Bergholt Road (which potentially will get some resurfacing in 2017/18), Turner Road (which currently has structural issues Essex County Council are trying to address), Kingswood Road and Mill Road. Bakers Lane is also due to be resurfaced this year.

If you have any road condition concerns, please let us know.

Overgrown bushes

A reminder that bushes and vegetation must be kept cut back to the boundary of your property. There are quite a number of areas where pavements are blocked by overgrown trees and bushes which get reported to Essex County Council (ECC).

ECC if forced to cut back private vegetation can charge costs back to the house owner.

If there are any other issues we can assist with, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Anne Turrell, Phil Coleman, Dominic Graham & Martin Goss

Mile End Team

Rosewood Resident’s meeting

We recently hosted a successful meeting for Rosewood residents with Gordon & Co the management company for the development and the developer Crest Nicholson also attended.

Around 50 residents turned up and raised issues which we are ensuring are followed through by Gordon & Co along with Crest  Nicholson.

The minutes from the meeting are in the link below:


Martin Goss, Anne Turrell, Dominic Graham & Phil Coleman