Tag Archives: North Colchester

Mile End Secondary Schools update!

Schools update – the new FIGHT for residents. We fought for new schools and facilities. We said new homes must come with infrastructure – and on time. We were promised they would but Essex County Council planners have failed us all with school delays and a lack of school places in north Colchester. Now we must fight to reduce the delay and disruption.

We will INSIST that County commit to the new secondary school being here for 2021/22. We will demand that they make every effort to MINIMISE the travel for any child who cannot be placed locally, like at the Gilberd and that they provide help with transport for those facing a long journey. And we will make this personal – we will tell the County Council what is needed. We will ask that they write and explain. And we will get the County Education boss to come and LISTEN to you.

Anne Turrell is our lead. She has already emailed or visited over a dozen residents and will help others as they need. But, we will also get out to you our best advice – our ‘What to Do’ key points if you appeal against a school placement.

Phil Coleman said “As a teacher of over 20 years I’ve seen first hand how the decentralization and in-effect privatization of Education via Academies now leads to community wrecking situations like this where their own admission criteria can be set.

Sending children on two bus journeys to the other side of town in simply not acceptable. We need Government to fund the school now, not tell us we have enough school places across the town completely ignoring local community needs.”

What is the Northern Gateway?

The Northern Gateway development is nearby and in Mile End,
but despite recent consultations and displays it still seems confusing!
Cllr and PE teacher Phil Coleman has been tracking
developments. Over the A12, near the BP garage and park and ride
will be a fantastic top quality state of the art sports
development available by the end of this year.
Included will be a new sports hall with coffee shop, outdoor cycling
track, new facilities for archery, classrooms for coaching and a new
clubhouse with two full size floodlit all weather pitches and grass
pitches for rugby.

Please contact the team if you have any further questions.

Cllr Phil Coleman

Hospital parking

The hospital has our and community support.  But David King and colleagues’ have made clear they need to be better neighbours, to take account of Mile End needs as they modernise the hospital, manage traffic flows and reduce the pressure on local roads.  Improvements are coming.

A new travel centre will help everyone. But we know fewer staff parking permits are a problem and can affect residents, as staff unable to park will look for spaces on local roads. We welcome steps taken to reduce that pressure, such as free use of the park and ride for three months and subsidies for car sharing and public transport use.

We will continue to monitor and press for further improvements through our liaison meetings. SHARE YOUR CONCERNS with us and we will continue to make sure your voice is heard.

Delivering for all in Mile End

Your Mile End Councillors know they are here to serve. They value their strong roots in the community and the support and loyalty residents choose to show at election time. This is not taken for granted. Working hard matters. Getting results even more. Recent campaigns include parking and yellow lines surveys and action. Recent successes include securing Crest Nicholson action on long standing problems with doors and windows in Rosewood and action against HGV access through Three Crowns Road, action on residential issues in Chesterwell and getting the best out of finishing works for Northfields. In the weeks ahead there will be more local issues and interests to serve. Action on buses. Improved visibility and presence for the police. Wider work on the Council towards great facilities for all at the Northern Gateway. More to come and the same promise – here to serve.

Locality budget – How would you like it spent in Mile End?

Phil Coleman, David King and Martin Goss each get £2000 to spend on projects in Mile End. In previous years we have funded tree planting, new benches and also purchased play equipment for the local Primary Schools in our area.

If there are improvements you’d like to see then please get in touch with the team by emailing U2US@mileendlibdems.org


Potholes and re-surfacing

One of the biggest issues we are asked about is the state of our roads and those potholes.

Therefore after much reporting and chasing by your local and county councillors we have finally had Bergholt Road resurfaced. We are happy to chase and challenge Essex Highways on your behalf to get improvements carried out and in the last year we have had success with Mill Road, Bergolt Road, Junction 28 and numerous potholes repaired. Please keep reporting and we will keep chasing up for you.


Mile End Locality budgets

Each Councillor gets £2,000 to spend in their area.

We have invested in the following:

  • New trees for Mile End to be planted in our open spaces
  • Sports equipment for local Primary schools
  • Bulb planting in two locations in Mile End
  • Sports equipment for children’s holiday camps at First Site
  • A bench on Mill Road by the gym equipment
  • Contribution to the “Community First Responders”
  • Contribution to homeless charities Beacon House and Colchester Night Shelter
  • Sports kit for a football club

David King said “This is a great investment in many worthwhile causes either in our local community or in organisations that help support Mile End residents.”


Traveller incursions in Mile End

Following another summer and more incursions on to both council land and private land requests have been made by your Mile End councillors to make secure the sites known to be visited by travellers. A borough-wide Public Space Protection Order to stop Travellers setting down in the borough has not been allowed by the authorities.

We will continue for better security across all Mile End sites where incursions occur.

David King, Phil Coleman, Dominic Graham, Martin Goss & Anne Turrell

Mile End Lib Dems

North Station bus lane cameras

The bus lane in North Station Road past the Norfolk Pub has now been fitted with enforcement cameras. From North to South is for buses only whilst from South to North is for buses only and for ACCESS ONLY for residents living in that part of North Station Road.

The road has been abused for a long time particularly South to North and ECC have installed cameras to stop this abuse.

Essex County Council are the authority responsible for the implementation of these cameras.

David King, Martin Goss, Phil Coleman, Dominic Graham & Anne Turrell

Mile End Lib Dem Team

Mill Road resurfacing 28th August 2017

Mill Road outside Myland School is being resurfaced from Monday 28th August 2017.

Anne Turrell, County Councillor for Mile End and Highwoods said “I am really pleased that this stretch of road from the Dog and Pheasant Pub to the Northern Approach Road junction is being resurfaced.  The state of the road is appalling and thankfully this has been done just in time for the new school term at Myland School. I have been on at Essex County Council about the appalling state of this road for a long period of time.”