Tag Archives: Mile End

Propelair Way/Bergholt Road station cycle path repairs

After over a year of the team consistently chasing Essex County Council whom at one stage even denied owning the cycle path, it has finally been repaired. The cycle path was subsiding and in a poor state of repair.
We of course continue to chase the poor state of Bergholt Road, along with Turner Road, Mill Road and Kingswood Road which need urgent and long lasting repairs.

If there are any other issues you wish to raise with us, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Anne Turrell

Mile End Community Funding – How you voted on the £4000

Mile End Community Funding

Over 400 people voted on how they wanted us to spend the £4000 community funding in Mile end. The money was split on 3 projects based on how you voted.

1. £2000 will be spent on new tree planting in Mile End.
2. £1500 will be spent on new playground equipment which will be used on the Mile End Playing fields area off Fords Lane.
3. £500 was awarded for new sports equipment for Queen Boudica School and Braiswick Academy School. Each school received £250.

Myland School didn’t manage to reply by the deadline, so we have offered them a contribution from our own pockets if they can come up with what Sports equipment they wish to purchase.

Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Anne Turrell

Northfields Resident meeting

A meeting was chaired by Cllr Martin Goss in January with Trinity Estates for all residents to attend of the Northfields development off Turner Road. Many issues affecting the development were discussed which included Satellite system reliability, parking and estate completion.

The minutes have now finally been produced and they can be found below:

Northfields_Minutes_Trinity(Click the link to open the minutes)

We are working closely with Trinity Estates and Linden Homes to ensure the actions agreed are carried out.

Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Anne Turrell


Mile End Road cycle lane update

We have been working hard on your behalf to raise all of the concerns directly to Essex County Council about the cycle lane. The latest design proposes the lane will only be down the west side of the road (odd numbers) rather than split as per the previous design.

The latest proposals from Essex County Council can be seen below in 4 PDF documents below:


Work to remove trees will begin on 2nd March on the east side of the road (even numbers) and these trees will be replaced later in the year.

Work on the cycle lane will begin on 7th March and residents may be directly affected by the works. Some driveway access may become blocked or parking inaccessible. Essex County Council have assured us they will write to residents directly.

We must be clear that we are not in support of this cycle lane whatsoever, have never requested it and believe the funding could be better spend on other cycling projects in our area. However, Government have given the £750k of funding to Essex County Council for this specific project and therefore they must spend it only on this project.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding this or any other matter, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Kind regards

Martin Goss       Dominic Graham             Phil Coleman          Anne Turrell

Vote how to spend £4000 in Mile End

Thanks for the feedback on the project ideas for the £4k community funding that Martin and Dominic have to spend on projects in Mile End. The ideas have all been suggested by Mile End residents. The vote is now open online for people to choose the winning project.

Please click on the link below:


Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Anne Turrell


Clean for the Queen in Mile End

We have been working with Asda to come up with a Clean for the Queen event in Mile End. March 5th has been suggested as the date we aim to make Mile End even more sparkling!

Currently we are proposing to clean the North Station, Northern Approaches, Bergholt Road area, Turner Rise and Turner Road areas as these are close to the store and are also areas where litter does accumulate. We are happy to go further afield with more volunteers.

We would very much like to involve local residents so if you can spare some time on March 5th, please let us know.

Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Anne Turrell

Severalls planning application comments

The Severalls planning application for Phase 2 will be going before the committee in March.

As a team we have submitted extensive comments to the scheme raising many important issues.

We have met with the architects and consortium several times to raise concerns face to face. We are expecting a formal response to all the points raised.

To read the points raised  please look at the PDF document in the link below.

Severalls comments – click here!

Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Anne Turrell

Northern Gateway update

Thank you to those residents who managed to attend the Northern Gateway drop in sessions last week. The feedback from residents has been very positive and there is a buzz about this future destination for Colchester.

Once the initial detailed planning application is  submitted before March 20th  it will include 11 restaurants, a state of the art Cineworld, 80 bedroom hotel, 750 car parking spaces, 3 large leisure units (with suggested uses for rock climbing and wind tunnel experience amongst others) impressive landscaping and engaging play facilities for children being amongst some of the facilities.

For those who couldn’t attend we have included a link to the details shown at the drop in sessions. The link is below.


Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Anne Turrell

Bus timetable for new 77 service to Braiswick Park

Since December 21st a new 77 route has been funded by Essex County Council which is run by Panther Travel.

This route calls on the New Braiswick Park development and Bergholt Road area around 5 times a day. The drop off and pick-up times very much coincide with the Braiswick Academy start and end of school times.

To view the timetable please click on the PDF.

Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman and Anne Turrell
