Following complaints of slow Broadband across the ward we have asked if the new Super Fast Broadband, which is currently going into some areas, could be extended to cover those areas that would benefit from it. It has been confirmed that a new network will be installed along Mile End Road, Nayland Road, Boxted Road and phase 1 of Chesterwell where speeds are inadequate. We await time scales and have requested Defoe Crescent is also included following complaints.
Tag Archives: Braiswick
Trinity School latest
The new Trinity School for Chesterwell is running late. We know delay and
disruption is a worry and have been working closely with the Gilberd and
Trinity Schools to reduce the impact and to keep parents up to date.
David and Martin have pressed the Department for Education hard to minimise
the delays and to keep parents informed.
We have been assured the new school will have to happen for September 2023. David will update when we have more news.
Election results in Mile End & Highwoods – a big thank you!
A big thank you Mile End!
The election was held on May 6th and both Martin Goss and David King were successful in their election results.
Mile End for the Colchester Borough Seat was as follows:
Martin Goss (Lib Dem) 1974 (65.5%)
CON 583 (19.3%)
LABOUR 328 (10.8%)
GREEN 139 (4.6%)
Mile End and Highwoods County Council seat was as follows:
David King (Lib Dem) 2221 (39.9%)
CON 1856 (33.3%)
LABOUR 946 (17.0%)
GREEN 387 ( 7.0%)
REFORM UK 162 ( 2.9%)
Thank you to everyone with a heartfelt thanks from Martin and David who voted to elect us to carry on the great work in Mile End and Highwoods along with Cllr Phil Coleman.
A huge thanks also to Anne Turrell who retired from being County Councillor with nearly 20 years service!
She will still be helping the team in the background.
All change at North Station
You will no doubt have seen the measures put in place by Essex County Council funded by Government to give cycling and walking more prominence at North Station, Essex Hall Road, North Station Road and the town centre.
As traffic levels returned to normal these did start to cause congestion issues. Essex County Council listened to our collective local feedback and removed some measures on North Station Road and Essex Hall Roundabout. The bus lane and one traffic lane at North Station heading South was left in place.
This caused major congestion and meant traffic took up to an hour to leave Asda. Following complaints Martin Goss and David King met with a Senior Highway officer onsite as well as a member of the Colchester Cycling group. Between us a solution was agreed, the closed traffic lane was fully reinstated, and improvements made to the cycle lane. Traffic congestion issues were greatly reduced as a result of our collective intervention.
Cleaning up graffiti and litter in Mile End
Martin Goss carries a graffiti cleaning kit in his car so when local graffiti is easy
enough to remove with graffiti wipes he will jump into action to clean up our area quickly.
Martin said “It is proven if we remove graffiti within hours of it being sprayed it can be demotivating to the “tagger.” If it gets left it is considered a badge of honour and gives the “artist” something to brag about.
If you see it, please report via or contact any
member of the team.”
New bench for Bergholt Road recreation ground
Funded as part of the Cllr Locality budget a new bench will shortly be installed at the Bergholt Road recreation ground.
This request came from local residents who wanted to see more seating in the area so this bench has been funded and ordered.
It’s the little things that make a huge difference so we are very happy to support this request. We are so pleased to support the community.
Phil Coleman, Martin Goss, David King & Anne Turrell
Mile End Team
Highways updates for Mile End
All of the pot holes on Turner Road, Mill Road and Northern Approach Road have been reported to Essex County Council for repair.
Bergholt Road is finally set to be resurfaced by Essex County Council in the 2018/19 financial year.
Most of Bakers Lane & all of Spring Lane has now been resurfaced.
UK Power Networks have been chased about the lack of functional lighting on the zebra crossing at the entrance to Bergholt Road.
Mill Road traffic calming design is being costed by Essex County Council & we hope they will shortly publish their proposed design.
Turner Road is set for major resurfacing & stabilization works due to the identified subsidence found by a leaky water main.
Bus lane cameras are also now working on Nayland Road and North Station Road bus lanes so fines will be issued.
David King, Phil Coleman, Martin Goss, Dominic Graham and Anne Turrell
Mile End Team
Reporting crime in Mile End
Colchester’s new Chief Inspector Shaun Kane will be introducing new initiatives to stamp out low-level crime.
When asked by Cllr Coleman at a recent Scrutiny meeting about the non emergency number 101 he made it clear that ALL crimes should be reported.
All reported crimes are recorded and whilst police resources are limited these reports will create a picture of what action is needed in areas of the borough. He made it clear that it was his priority to make communities safe and will be deploying officers where they are needed based on community feedback.
Please report all crimes such as AntiSocial Behaviour, dangerous parking, theft etc on 101.
MIle End roads update!
Mill Road from the Northern Approach Road junction to Myland School end is being resurfaced in August.
Turner Road will be getting partial resurfacing later this year to deal with the continually sinking road.
Spring Lane and part of Bakers Lane is going to be resurfaced later this year.
We are still pushing for resurfacing to occur on Bergholt Road, Three Crowns Road and Kingswood Road (off Turner Road).
Mile End projects
Thank you to the 325 people who voted online for their favourite 2017 project from our local Mile End funding pot.
The top 3 projects we have awarded funding to based on your votes are:
£2,500 to the homeless shelter which does help some Mile End people
£1,500 for tree planting in Mile End
£1,000 to all four Mile End Primary schools for the purchasing of sports equipment
Dominic has also awarded £1,000 towards funding for more cycle racks in Mile End
We are very pleased to have supported these excellent community projects which were all suggested by local residents.
Anne Turrell, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Martin Goss