Tag Archives: Turner Road

Hospital expansion

Many of you have complained to us about  visitors and staff parking on nearby roads. One particularly bad delay was due to  a burst water main in Turner Road.

Cllr Anne Turrell helped get that resolved swiftly.  Anne, David King and Martin Goss have also met recently with a senior manager from the Hospital Trust. The good news  is that the Trust are thinking ahead. They are looking to improve their services. More importantly – and we pressed hard on this –  they have added 180 spaces to the public car park. Some of this has recently been used by their contractors, but they will now have their own temporary parking facilities.

They are also introducing a permit system to encourage staff to leave their cars at home. And they will be helping them to use buses and or the park and ride.

They will be building a new travel centre in 2018.  They have streamlined entrance and help arrangements at the hospital. We are encouraged by the attitudes, the new facilities and the investments in the hospital (and by their improved recent performance).

We hope you will see rather less congestion and more parking on site and less nearby. If the problem persists we will push the trust for more radical solutions.

We will see them again early next year and will feed-back to you then.

David King, Mile End Focus Lead


MIle End roads update!

Mill Road from the Northern Approach Road junction to Myland School end is being resurfaced in August.

Turner Road will be getting partial resurfacing later this year to deal with the continually sinking road.

Spring Lane and part of Bakers Lane is going to be resurfaced later this year.

We are still pushing for resurfacing to occur on Bergholt Road, Three Crowns Road and Kingswood Road (off Turner Road).

Turner Road repaired

We are pleased to say that repairs have been made to the worst parts of Turner Road following escalation by County Cllr Anne Turrell.

The road had some serious issues where repairs were falling apart within weeks and sinking into the road. There has been structural scanning undertaken along the road and it appears there have been some subsiding issues which hopefully the new repairs will take care of.

We will watch closely the latest repairs to the road and how well they perform.

Anne Turrell, Phil Coleman, Dominic Graham & Martin Goss

Highways update

Roads update

County Councillor Anne Turrell has escalated the disgraceful state of Bergholt Road (which potentially will get some resurfacing in 2017/18), Turner Road (which currently has structural issues Essex County Council are trying to address), Kingswood Road and Mill Road. Bakers Lane is also due to be resurfaced this year.

If you have any road condition concerns, please let us know.

Overgrown bushes

A reminder that bushes and vegetation must be kept cut back to the boundary of your property. There are quite a number of areas where pavements are blocked by overgrown trees and bushes which get reported to Essex County Council (ECC).

ECC if forced to cut back private vegetation can charge costs back to the house owner.

If there are any other issues we can assist with, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Anne Turrell, Phil Coleman, Dominic Graham & Martin Goss

Mile End Team

Mile End Highway updates

Turner Road sinking
As you may have seen Turner Road is sinking in places and each time road repairs are undertaken by Essex County Council (ECC) they simply fail. Following our complaints ECC have now agreed to undertake an investigation to find the cause of the issues and implement a long term solution. We will update you once we have further details.
Bakers Lane & Bergholt Road
Essex County Council have confirmed that Bakers Lane will undergo some partial resurfacing this financial year (2016/17) and we are awaiting to see if Bergholt Road has made it to the list.
Mile End Road cycle lane
You may have noticed work starting on the £750,000 Mile End Road cycle lane  by Essex County Council. To be clear, we have objected to this project when we first found out about it and have supported a formal complaint made by the Colchester Cycling campaigners as they don’t support the project either.
We have asked ECC to replace all trees which have been removed and also suggested places where further trees should be put in along Mile End Road. The pinch point at the bottom of Mile End Road is also not yet resolved and we are pushing for ECC to share the designs for this area.
Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Anne Turrell

Northfields Resident meeting

A meeting was chaired by Cllr Martin Goss in January with Trinity Estates for all residents to attend of the Northfields development off Turner Road. Many issues affecting the development were discussed which included Satellite system reliability, parking and estate completion.

The minutes have now finally been produced and they can be found below:

Northfields_Minutes_Trinity(Click the link to open the minutes)

We are working closely with Trinity Estates and Linden Homes to ensure the actions agreed are carried out.

Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Anne Turrell


Clean for the Queen in Mile End

We have been working with Asda to come up with a Clean for the Queen event in Mile End. March 5th has been suggested as the date we aim to make Mile End even more sparkling!

Currently we are proposing to clean the North Station, Northern Approaches, Bergholt Road area, Turner Rise and Turner Road areas as these are close to the store and are also areas where litter does accumulate. We are happy to go further afield with more volunteers.

We would very much like to involve local residents so if you can spare some time on March 5th, please let us know.

Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Anne Turrell