Your Mile End Councillors know they are here to serve. They value their strong roots in the community and the support and loyalty residents choose to show at election time. This is not taken for granted. Working hard matters. Getting results even more. Recent campaigns include parking and yellow lines surveys and action. Recent successes include securing Crest Nicholson action on long standing problems with doors and windows in Rosewood and action against HGV access through Three Crowns Road, action on residential issues in Chesterwell and getting the best out of finishing works for Northfields. In the weeks ahead there will be more local issues and interests to serve. Action on buses. Improved visibility and presence for the police. Wider work on the Council towards great facilities for all at the Northern Gateway. More to come and the same promise – here to serve.
Tag Archives: Essex County Council
Potholes and re-surfacing
One of the biggest issues we are asked about is the state of our roads and those potholes.
Therefore after much reporting and chasing by your local and county councillors we have finally had Bergholt Road resurfaced. We are happy to chase and challenge Essex Highways on your behalf to get improvements carried out and in the last year we have had success with Mill Road, Bergolt Road, Junction 28 and numerous potholes repaired. Please keep reporting and we will keep chasing up for you.
Thank you from Cllr David King
David wants to thank those who voted for him in the recent May elections.
The Mile End seat remains Liberal Democrat so you are represented by Phil Coleman, Martin Goss, David King on Colchester Borough and Anne Turrell is your Essex County Councillor.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with any member of the team.
Highways updates for Mile End
All of the pot holes on Turner Road, Mill Road and Northern Approach Road have been reported to Essex County Council for repair.
Bergholt Road is finally set to be resurfaced by Essex County Council in the 2018/19 financial year.
Most of Bakers Lane & all of Spring Lane has now been resurfaced.
UK Power Networks have been chased about the lack of functional lighting on the zebra crossing at the entrance to Bergholt Road.
Mill Road traffic calming design is being costed by Essex County Council & we hope they will shortly publish their proposed design.
Turner Road is set for major resurfacing & stabilization works due to the identified subsidence found by a leaky water main.
Bus lane cameras are also now working on Nayland Road and North Station Road bus lanes so fines will be issued.
David King, Phil Coleman, Martin Goss, Dominic Graham and Anne Turrell
Mile End Team
Traveller incursions in Mile End
Following another summer and more incursions on to both council land and private land requests have been made by your Mile End councillors to make secure the sites known to be visited by travellers. A borough-wide Public Space Protection Order to stop Travellers setting down in the borough has not been allowed by the authorities.
We will continue for better security across all Mile End sites where incursions occur.
David King, Phil Coleman, Dominic Graham, Martin Goss & Anne Turrell
Mile End Lib Dems
North Station bus lane cameras
The bus lane in North Station Road past the Norfolk Pub has now been fitted with enforcement cameras. From North to South is for buses only whilst from South to North is for buses only and for ACCESS ONLY for residents living in that part of North Station Road.
The road has been abused for a long time particularly South to North and ECC have installed cameras to stop this abuse.
Essex County Council are the authority responsible for the implementation of these cameras.
David King, Martin Goss, Phil Coleman, Dominic Graham & Anne Turrell
Mile End Lib Dem Team
Mill Road resurfacing 28th August 2017
Mill Road outside Myland School is being resurfaced from Monday 28th August 2017.
Anne Turrell, County Councillor for Mile End and Highwoods said “I am really pleased that this stretch of road from the Dog and Pheasant Pub to the Northern Approach Road junction is being resurfaced. The state of the road is appalling and thankfully this has been done just in time for the new school term at Myland School. I have been on at Essex County Council about the appalling state of this road for a long period of time.”
MIle End roads update!
Mill Road from the Northern Approach Road junction to Myland School end is being resurfaced in August.
Turner Road will be getting partial resurfacing later this year to deal with the continually sinking road.
Spring Lane and part of Bakers Lane is going to be resurfaced later this year.
We are still pushing for resurfacing to occur on Bergholt Road, Three Crowns Road and Kingswood Road (off Turner Road).
Thank you from Anne Turrell
Following the Essex County Council elections on May 4th Anne Turrell was successfully re-elected as Cllr for Mile End and Highwoods.
Anne was re-elected with 2104 votes and was 555 votes ahead of the Conservatives. She increased her vote share for the Lib Dems.
Anne said “I am deeply humbled to have been successfully re-elected by the residents of Mile End and Highwoods once again. I promise to continue working hard for our area and ensuring congestion, pot holes, road resurfacing and places for our children to go to school are at the forefront of the work I carry out in my next term.”
Mill Road traffic calming update
A recent meeting was held by Anne Turrell with Essex County Highways to get an update on the traffic calming along Mill Road. Essex County Council responded after the meeting with a written update which is below.
We will keep residents informed as this project progresses.
A study was commissioned for the feasibility of traffic calming measures along Mill Road in Colchester. All traffic calming measures are to be considered from the Severalls Lane junction all the way down to the Nayland Road junction, a length of some 2.3 km
The purpose of this study is to recommend measures to be taken on to the detailed design stage
The measures available have been separated into three categories
· Vertical road humps; cushions and rumble devices
· Horizontal narrowing by island, pinch-point or build-out; chicane; gateway; mini-roundabout; give-way point or priority section and
· Visual vehicle activated devices; road markings; traffic signs or street furniture
The study looks to:
i) record the existing conditions and constraints
ii) give a brief discussion of the options considered and
iii) provide indicative cost estimates for each viable option
A draft report has been received and will be reviewed this week and a further update and detail will be provided to you.