Tag Archives: Northern Approach Road

North Station bus lane cameras

The bus lane in North Station Road past the Norfolk Pub has now been fitted with enforcement cameras. From North to South is for buses only whilst from South to North is for buses only and for ACCESS ONLY for residents living in that part of North Station Road.

The road has been abused for a long time particularly South to North and ECC have installed cameras to stop this abuse.

Essex County Council are the authority responsible for the implementation of these cameras.

David King, Martin Goss, Phil Coleman, Dominic Graham & Anne Turrell

Mile End Lib Dem Team

MIle End roads update!

Mill Road from the Northern Approach Road junction to Myland School end is being resurfaced in August.

Turner Road will be getting partial resurfacing later this year to deal with the continually sinking road.

Spring Lane and part of Bakers Lane is going to be resurfaced later this year.

We are still pushing for resurfacing to occur on Bergholt Road, Three Crowns Road and Kingswood Road (off Turner Road).

Mill Road traffic calming update

A recent meeting was held by Anne Turrell with Essex County Highways to get an update on the traffic calming along Mill Road. Essex County Council responded after the meeting with a written update which is below.

We will keep residents informed as this project progresses.

A study was commissioned for the feasibility of traffic calming measures along Mill Road in Colchester. All traffic calming measures are to be considered from the Severalls Lane junction all the way down to the Nayland Road junction, a length of some 2.3 km

The purpose of this study is to recommend measures to be taken on to the detailed design stage
The measures available have been separated into three categories

·         Vertical road humps; cushions and rumble devices

·         Horizontal narrowing by island, pinch-point or build-out; chicane; gateway; mini-roundabout; give-way point or priority section and

·         Visual vehicle activated devices; road markings; traffic signs or street furniture

The study looks to:
i) record the existing conditions and constraints
ii) give a brief discussion of the options considered and
iii) provide indicative cost estimates for each viable option

A draft report has been received and will be reviewed this week and a further update and detail will be provided to you.

Fords Lane playground refurbishment consultation

Fords Lane Playground Consultation

Colchester residents are being encouraged to take part in a consultation to help choose the design for a new playground facility to be installed off Fords Lane in Mile End.

We are carrying out the refurbishment of the children’s playground and want local residents to choose the final design.

The existing playground will be replaced with new challenging play equipment which provides an exciting play experience for the local community along with new safety surface and seating.

We are now asking local residents to vote for which design they like best from a shortlist of four different companies.

Please visit www.colchester.gov.uk/fordslane to vote.

The project is funded by Section 106 money (contributions requested from major developers towards community facilities).  The consultation will close on Monday 19 September 2016.

The results will be announced during October 2016

Turner Road repaired

We are pleased to say that repairs have been made to the worst parts of Turner Road following escalation by County Cllr Anne Turrell.

The road had some serious issues where repairs were falling apart within weeks and sinking into the road. There has been structural scanning undertaken along the road and it appears there have been some subsiding issues which hopefully the new repairs will take care of.

We will watch closely the latest repairs to the road and how well they perform.

Anne Turrell, Phil Coleman, Dominic Graham & Martin Goss

Clean for the Queen in Mile End

We have been working with Asda to come up with a Clean for the Queen event in Mile End. March 5th has been suggested as the date we aim to make Mile End even more sparkling!

Currently we are proposing to clean the North Station, Northern Approaches, Bergholt Road area, Turner Rise and Turner Road areas as these are close to the store and are also areas where litter does accumulate. We are happy to go further afield with more volunteers.

We would very much like to involve local residents so if you can spare some time on March 5th, please let us know.

Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Anne Turrell

Severalls planning application comments

The Severalls planning application for Phase 2 will be going before the committee in March.

As a team we have submitted extensive comments to the scheme raising many important issues.

We have met with the architects and consortium several times to raise concerns face to face. We are expecting a formal response to all the points raised.

To read the points raised  please look at the PDF document in the link below.

Severalls comments – click here!

Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Anne Turrell