Tag Archives: David King

North Station bus lane cameras

The bus lane in North Station Road past the Norfolk Pub has now been fitted with enforcement cameras. From North to South is for buses only whilst from South to North is for buses only and for ACCESS ONLY for residents living in that part of North Station Road.

The road has been abused for a long time particularly South to North and ECC have installed cameras to stop this abuse.

Essex County Council are the authority responsible for the implementation of these cameras.

David King, Martin Goss, Phil Coleman, Dominic Graham & Anne Turrell

Mile End Lib Dem Team

Mill Road resurfacing 28th August 2017

Mill Road outside Myland School is being resurfaced from Monday 28th August 2017.

Anne Turrell, County Councillor for Mile End and Highwoods said “I am really pleased that this stretch of road from the Dog and Pheasant Pub to the Northern Approach Road junction is being resurfaced.  The state of the road is appalling and thankfully this has been done just in time for the new school term at Myland School. I have been on at Essex County Council about the appalling state of this road for a long period of time.”


MIle End roads update!

Mill Road from the Northern Approach Road junction to Myland School end is being resurfaced in August.

Turner Road will be getting partial resurfacing later this year to deal with the continually sinking road.

Spring Lane and part of Bakers Lane is going to be resurfaced later this year.

We are still pushing for resurfacing to occur on Bergholt Road, Three Crowns Road and Kingswood Road (off Turner Road).