Category Archives: Uncategorised

Hospital expansion

Many of you have complained to us about  visitors and staff parking on nearby roads. One particularly bad delay was due to  a burst water main in Turner Road.

Cllr Anne Turrell helped get that resolved swiftly.  Anne, David King and Martin Goss have also met recently with a senior manager from the Hospital Trust. The good news  is that the Trust are thinking ahead. They are looking to improve their services. More importantly – and we pressed hard on this –  they have added 180 spaces to the public car park. Some of this has recently been used by their contractors, but they will now have their own temporary parking facilities.

They are also introducing a permit system to encourage staff to leave their cars at home. And they will be helping them to use buses and or the park and ride.

They will be building a new travel centre in 2018.  They have streamlined entrance and help arrangements at the hospital. We are encouraged by the attitudes, the new facilities and the investments in the hospital (and by their improved recent performance).

We hope you will see rather less congestion and more parking on site and less nearby. If the problem persists we will push the trust for more radical solutions.

We will see them again early next year and will feed-back to you then.

David King, Mile End Focus Lead


Reporting crime in Mile End

Colchester’s new Chief Inspector Shaun Kane will be introducing new initiatives to stamp out low-level crime.

When asked by Cllr Coleman at a recent Scrutiny meeting about the non emergency number 101 he made it clear that ALL crimes should be reported.

All reported crimes are recorded and whilst police resources are limited these reports will create a picture of what action is needed in areas of the borough. He made it clear that it was his priority to make communities safe and will be deploying officers where they are needed based on community feedback.

Please report all crimes such as AntiSocial Behaviour, dangerous parking, theft etc on 101.

Traveller incursions in Mile End

Following another summer and more incursions on to both council land and private land requests have been made by your Mile End councillors to make secure the sites known to be visited by travellers. A borough-wide Public Space Protection Order to stop Travellers setting down in the borough has not been allowed by the authorities.

We will continue for better security across all Mile End sites where incursions occur.

David King, Phil Coleman, Dominic Graham, Martin Goss & Anne Turrell

Mile End Lib Dems

Thank you from Anne Turrell

Following the Essex County Council elections on May 4th Anne Turrell was successfully re-elected as Cllr for Mile End and Highwoods.

Anne was re-elected with 2104 votes and was 555 votes ahead of the Conservatives. She increased her vote share for the Lib Dems.

Anne said “I am deeply humbled to have been successfully re-elected by the residents of Mile End and Highwoods once again. I promise to continue working hard for our area and ensuring congestion, pot holes, road resurfacing and places for our children to go to school are at the forefront of the work I carry out in my next term.”


Rosewood Resident’s meeting

We recently hosted a successful meeting for Rosewood residents with Gordon & Co the management company for the development and the developer Crest Nicholson also attended.

Around 50 residents turned up and raised issues which we are ensuring are followed through by Gordon & Co along with Crest  Nicholson.

The minutes from the meeting are in the link below:


Martin Goss, Anne Turrell, Dominic Graham & Phil Coleman


A big thank you for Martin, Phil & Dominic

We wanted to thank you for the overwhelming support in the recent local elections. Martin Goss, Phil Coleman & Dominic Graham were all successfully elected to represent Mile End on Colchester Council.

The results were

Martin Goss 1666

Phil Coleman 1375

Dominic Graham 1344

The Tory vote collapsed and their votes were 731, 543 and 525.

Martin Goss said “The results were very humbling and we want to sincerely thank  everyone who showed their overwhelming support for the team.”


Waste survey for Colchester

Colchester Council is currently running a consultation to look at potential improvements you may wish to see made to the current waste and recycling collections across Colchester. In order to respond to the survey online please use the link below:

Dominic Graham said “I urge all residents to visit the website and take part in this survey, to ensure we can help shape the future service to be even more effective”.

Northern Gateway update

Thank you to those residents who managed to attend the Northern Gateway drop in sessions last week. The feedback from residents has been very positive and there is a buzz about this future destination for Colchester.

Once the initial detailed planning application is  submitted before March 20th  it will include 11 restaurants, a state of the art Cineworld, 80 bedroom hotel, 750 car parking spaces, 3 large leisure units (with suggested uses for rock climbing and wind tunnel experience amongst others) impressive landscaping and engaging play facilities for children being amongst some of the facilities.

For those who couldn’t attend we have included a link to the details shown at the drop in sessions. The link is below.

Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Anne Turrell

Bus timetable for new 77 service to Braiswick Park

Since December 21st a new 77 route has been funded by Essex County Council which is run by Panther Travel.

This route calls on the New Braiswick Park development and Bergholt Road area around 5 times a day. The drop off and pick-up times very much coincide with the Braiswick Academy start and end of school times.

To view the timetable please click on the PDF.

Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman and Anne Turrell


Flexible rail ticket petition

Dear Neighbour,

A significant number of residents in Mile End commute to work by train. Of these people, a great many work part-time or variable hours. Many with families now work flexibly allowing them to juggle work with childcare arrangements.

However, at the moment flexible workers must buy expensive one-off tickets, or season tickets which they then waste on the days they don’t work or travel. Your local Liberal Democrat team in Mile End want to change this out-of-date system.

If you agree with us, please sign our petition today

We want to help commuters and families by getting the rail franchise holder (currently Abellio Greater Anglia) to introduce Flexible Season Tickets. These tickets would give you the option to either pay only for the days on which you travel or to share your ticket with someone else.

The franchise is up for renewal this year, so there’s never been a better time to make you voice heard. Click here to sign our petition today.

Best wishes

Anne Turrell, Dominic Graham, Martin Goss and Ciarán McGonagle

Mile End Lib Dems