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Trinity School Update

You may have read the good news that 120 places for September 2021 are now guaranteed at the new Trinity School. The school places will be served out of the Gilberd site for the first academic year and in order to ensure there is enough space some existing classrooms will be refurbished and an extension will happen to the school. Long-term this area will be used for teacher training once the pupils move to the permanent school site.

Frustratingly the school building won’t be open at Cordelia Drive for September 2021. There have been some delays between the Department for Education (DFE) and Essex County Council. Mersea Homes have ploughed on regardless with the site which they have to prepare prior to handover in September 2020. Mersea Homes will hand the site to Essex County Council who will then put in place legal “Heads of Terms“ with DFE for the building of the school. The school building will be ready for September 2022. The Primary School is now mooted to be September 2024, although this will be subject to the school places needed in the area. Currently pre-secondary school places, there are ample spaces at local schools.

You can visit the schools website at for all the latest information.

Proposed garden waste charges



That was the message from Councillor Martin Goss who is the Cabinet Member with responsibility for waste, environment & transport during the Wednesday 8th July Colchester Cabinet Meeting.

Councillor Goss had expressed grave concerns that the proposal within a paper to consider a new green waste collection at a recommended cost of £50 per bin would impact on households at a time of severe financial hardship for many.

The paper, ‘Waste and Recycling New Strategic Priority’ was prepared in light of a Council budget shortfall of £3 million. The shortfall, as a result of the impact of COVID-19, has meant that Councillors of all parties are having to consider how to fill this significant gap and minimise the impact on residents.

On Tuesday the Council’s Scrutiny Panel made a proposal to defer this paper to a Task and Finish Group to fully investigate the proposed green waste collection service and wider use of wheelie bins. Tonight, the Cabinet unanimously supported this recommendation. No measures will be put in place until this group have delivered their recommendations as to its viability to Cabinet.

Speaking on Wednesday night Councillor Goss told Cabinet:

“We are listening generally. We cannot just say we do not like that. You need to come up with answers that you do like and will serve the budget issues.”

After the meeting Councillor Goss said:

“We are all disappointed at government failure to provide on its commitment to financially support local authorities and avoid additional charges, possible redundancies and cuts in services.

“I am delighted that there is an opportunity for councillors from all parties to now be able to properly scrutinise the green waste collection and use of wheelie bins. It is important that residents are heard so that priorities of services and cuts during these difficult times are responsive to their wishes.”

Parking issues in Mile End

With the General Hospital, main line station and a professional football club in the ward there are challenges with parking.

We meet regularly with the hospital estate managers who assure us they want to be good neighbours and are looking at travel plans for their employees to stop parking on nearby residential areas.

We have been contacted by residents on a number of developments asking for restrictions to be put in place. For this to happen the road or area would need support from 75% of residents before the plan could go forward to North Essex Parking Partnership for consideration.

We are happy to facilitate this but to date most residents do not favour restrictions. We would ask that drivers park considerately and any poor or dangerous parking is reported.

Dangerous parking or blocking the path can be reported to police on 101, all other issues can be reported to NEEP on 01206 282316.

Traveller incursions

Following two further traveller incursions in Mile End,
Cllr Coleman requested all potential sites be made secure
and asked the portfolio holder to look at additional measures.

This could include a borough wide ban as in Harlow or a transit site to
stop other sites being used with subsequent issues.

As trespass is not a criminal offence but a civil one the council or land
owner must apply to the court for an eviction notice. This normally
takes around 10 days.

Police can use their powers to evict if criminal behaviour is reported,
such as last summer on the rugby club site.

We will continue to push for a long term strategy to stop such

Mile End Secondary Schools update!

Schools update – the new FIGHT for residents. We fought for new schools and facilities. We said new homes must come with infrastructure – and on time. We were promised they would but Essex County Council planners have failed us all with school delays and a lack of school places in north Colchester. Now we must fight to reduce the delay and disruption.

We will INSIST that County commit to the new secondary school being here for 2021/22. We will demand that they make every effort to MINIMISE the travel for any child who cannot be placed locally, like at the Gilberd and that they provide help with transport for those facing a long journey. And we will make this personal – we will tell the County Council what is needed. We will ask that they write and explain. And we will get the County Education boss to come and LISTEN to you.

Anne Turrell is our lead. She has already emailed or visited over a dozen residents and will help others as they need. But, we will also get out to you our best advice – our ‘What to Do’ key points if you appeal against a school placement.

Phil Coleman said “As a teacher of over 20 years I’ve seen first hand how the decentralization and in-effect privatization of Education via Academies now leads to community wrecking situations like this where their own admission criteria can be set.

Sending children on two bus journeys to the other side of town in simply not acceptable. We need Government to fund the school now, not tell us we have enough school places across the town completely ignoring local community needs.”

What is the Northern Gateway?

The Northern Gateway development is nearby and in Mile End,
but despite recent consultations and displays it still seems confusing!
Cllr and PE teacher Phil Coleman has been tracking
developments. Over the A12, near the BP garage and park and ride
will be a fantastic top quality state of the art sports
development available by the end of this year.
Included will be a new sports hall with coffee shop, outdoor cycling
track, new facilities for archery, classrooms for coaching and a new
clubhouse with two full size floodlit all weather pitches and grass
pitches for rugby.

Please contact the team if you have any further questions.

Cllr Phil Coleman

Delivering for all in Mile End

Your Mile End Councillors know they are here to serve. They value their strong roots in the community and the support and loyalty residents choose to show at election time. This is not taken for granted. Working hard matters. Getting results even more. Recent campaigns include parking and yellow lines surveys and action. Recent successes include securing Crest Nicholson action on long standing problems with doors and windows in Rosewood and action against HGV access through Three Crowns Road, action on residential issues in Chesterwell and getting the best out of finishing works for Northfields. In the weeks ahead there will be more local issues and interests to serve. Action on buses. Improved visibility and presence for the police. Wider work on the Council towards great facilities for all at the Northern Gateway. More to come and the same promise – here to serve.

Thank you from Cllr David King

David wants to thank those who voted for him in the recent May elections.

The Mile End seat remains Liberal Democrat so you are represented by Phil Coleman, Martin Goss, David King on Colchester Borough and Anne Turrell is your Essex County Councillor.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with any member of the team.

Prosperity is Good News

We can sigh at busy streets. But it is great to see positive news – Colchester recently described as a ‘Boom Town’. The Essex County Standard says the number of businesses, large or small, is up, there is a record number of business units in the borough (8,265 in 2017) and the average income has, for the first time, outstripped elsewhere in the east of England!

Helping our neighbours – ‘You say and we do’.

As Local Lib Dems we are here to help our community. That means everything from getting over flowing bins reported to fly tipping addressed, from clearing litter and dog fouling to getting the street wardens on patrol (and 13 fixed penalty notices for those who don’t seem to care), to seeing the General Hospital to press for better hospital parking and alternatives to traffic and congestion. Sometimes the results are quick and others slow – as with getting improvements and or work underway to improve the poor state of local roads and paths. We have helpfully acted as the ‘go between’ for residents, helping get police attention to crime, as on Rosewood, or speeding on Mill Rd/NAR and Bergholt Road. The credit is theirs. But we know we have helped. As also with developers, pressing them, privately and through officials, to get gaps filled, estates completed, lights fixed, problems solved. Not all of them, unfortunately, but real progress can be made and with the small things that matter, and a promise to keep going. It is just being good neighbours – to help where we can and lighten the load.

Best wishes

David King