Tag Archives: Essex Police

Reporting crime

Mile End and more widely Colchester is an extremely safe place but as with any community or City we always do need to be vigilant and report anything which we think is out of the ordinary.

Too many times crimes or suspicious activities remain unreported and instead people put them on Facebook or social media. This might be good to alert local neighbours but it does nothing to actually report the crime.

An example in Colchester being when over 28 sheds were broken into one evening and although it made it to social media, the Police only had one reported incident so didn’t treat it as a serious break in!

Please do report all non-emergency crimes on 101 or in an emergency 999. You can also report crimes online at the Essex Police website.

The more crime is reported, the better it is to reflect true statistics and ensure police effort is concentrated in those areas that need it! If you don’t report a crime, this could be the difference between the data showing an issue or not!

Anti Social Behaviour update

We have seen an increase in ASB in recent months with a number of issues in the Bradford Drive playground, shelters over at Kingswood Heath and Mile End
playing fields.

If you witness any issues or have concerns please do report it to the police immediately on 101 or 999 in an emergency. You can also report non-emergency crime on the Essex Police website.

Claire Beverly our local PCSO has been doing various patrols in the
area so if you wish to join “stroll and patrol” which is carried out
regularly please do let us know.