Tag Archives: Travellers

Traveller incursions

Following two further traveller incursions in Mile End,
Cllr Coleman requested all potential sites be made secure
and asked the portfolio holder to look at additional measures.

This could include a borough wide ban as in Harlow or a transit site to
stop other sites being used with subsequent issues.

As trespass is not a criminal offence but a civil one the council or land
owner must apply to the court for an eviction notice. This normally
takes around 10 days.

Police can use their powers to evict if criminal behaviour is reported,
such as last summer on the rugby club site.

We will continue to push for a long term strategy to stop such

Traveller incursions in Mile End

Following another summer and more incursions on to both council land and private land requests have been made by your Mile End councillors to make secure the sites known to be visited by travellers. A borough-wide Public Space Protection Order to stop Travellers setting down in the borough has not been allowed by the authorities.

We will continue for better security across all Mile End sites where incursions occur.

David King, Phil Coleman, Dominic Graham, Martin Goss & Anne Turrell

Mile End Lib Dems