Tag Archives: Community Stadium

Boxted road lights

We have been chasing Essex County Council concerning the new lights along Boxted Road which were installed in the Summer of 2016.

Cllr Anne Turrell has escalated the issue and we have now been told by Essex County Council that the lights should be operational around March 6th after UK Power Networks have made some final electrical connections. We will await to see if this target date is achieved.

 We have also been chasing for a new date regarding the works for the new pedestrian crossing at the end of Boxted Road with the Northern Approach Road junction. This crossing is being funded as part of the development works for Severalls Phase 2. We will update you once the new date is agreed.

 We have also had a replacement litter bin installed at the entrance to Boxted Road as a contractor removed it and lost it. We are currently pursuing costs from the contractors.

 You should also have seen a general improvement regarding the cleanliness of Boxted Road.

 Anne Turrell, Martin Goss, Dominic Graham &Phil Coleman

Northern Gateway update

Thank you to those residents who managed to attend the Northern Gateway drop in sessions last week. The feedback from residents has been very positive and there is a buzz about this future destination for Colchester.

Once the initial detailed planning application is  submitted before March 20th  it will include 11 restaurants, a state of the art Cineworld, 80 bedroom hotel, 750 car parking spaces, 3 large leisure units (with suggested uses for rock climbing and wind tunnel experience amongst others) impressive landscaping and engaging play facilities for children being amongst some of the facilities.

For those who couldn’t attend we have included a link to the details shown at the drop in sessions. The link is below.


Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Anne Turrell