All of the pot holes on Turner Road, Mill Road and Northern Approach Road have been reported to Essex County Council for repair.
Bergholt Road is finally set to be resurfaced by Essex County Council in the 2018/19 financial year.
Most of Bakers Lane & all of Spring Lane has now been resurfaced.
UK Power Networks have been chased about the lack of functional lighting on the zebra crossing at the entrance to Bergholt Road.
Mill Road traffic calming design is being costed by Essex County Council & we hope they will shortly publish their proposed design.
Turner Road is set for major resurfacing & stabilization works due to the identified subsidence found by a leaky water main.
Bus lane cameras are also now working on Nayland Road and North Station Road bus lanes so fines will be issued.
David King, Phil Coleman, Martin Goss, Dominic Graham and Anne Turrell
Mile End Team