Category Archives: Litterpick

Cleaning up graffiti and litter in Mile End

Martin Goss carries a graffiti cleaning kit in his car so when local graffiti is easy
enough to remove with graffiti wipes he will jump into action to clean up our area quickly.

Martin said “It is proven if we remove graffiti within hours of it being sprayed it can be demotivating to the “tagger.” If it gets left it is considered a badge of honour and gives the “artist” something to brag about.

If you see it, please report via or contact any
member of the team.”

Clean for the Queen in Mile End

We have been working with Asda to come up with a Clean for the Queen event in Mile End. March 5th has been suggested as the date we aim to make Mile End even more sparkling!

Currently we are proposing to clean the North Station, Northern Approaches, Bergholt Road area, Turner Rise and Turner Road areas as these are close to the store and are also areas where litter does accumulate. We are happy to go further afield with more volunteers.

We would very much like to involve local residents so if you can spare some time on March 5th, please let us know.

Martin Goss, Dominic Graham, Phil Coleman & Anne Turrell